an old photo of Stonehenge built by druids

Who Built Stonehenge and Why?

an old photo of Stonehenge built by druids

Welcome mystery addicts. Today we tackle the two biggest questions regarding Stonehenge. Stonehenge is an ancient monument located in Wiltshire, England. It consists of a series of large stone blocks arranged in a circular pattern, and it has puzzled archaeologists and historians for centuries.

The origins of Stonehenge are shrouded in mystery, and it is not known for certain who built it or why. Some theories suggest that it was built by the ancient druids, who were a group of Celtic priests known for their mystical practices and rituals. According to this theory, Stonehenge was used as a place of sacrifice and worship, and it was believed to have magical powers.

Other theories suggest that Stonehenge was built by ancient astronomers or astrologers, who used it to track the movements of the sun and the stars. It is thought that the stones were placed in such a way as to align with certain celestial events, such as the solstices and the equinoxes.

Despite the many theories about who built Stonehenge and why the truth remains a mystery. Some believe that the monument has a spiritual or supernatural significance and that it was built as a way of connecting with the divine. Others believe that it was simply a practical construction, built for practical purposes such as marking the passage of time or helping with agriculture.

What is certain is that Stonehenge is a marvel of ancient engineering and construction. The stones are massive and weigh several tons each, and it is not clear how they were transported to the site or how they were erected. Some believe that the stones were brought from as far away as Wales and that they were lifted into place using elaborate pulley systems and levers.

Whether you believe in the spooky stories and theories surrounding Stonehenge or not, it is an incredible and awe-inspiring monument that continues to capture the imagination of people all over the world. So if you find yourself in the Wiltshire countryside on a dark and stormy night, don’t be surprised if you feel a sense of otherworldly presence as you stand in the shadow of the ancient stones. The mystery of Stonehenge may never be fully understood, but that only adds to its enduring fascination.